YOUACO | ייעוץ תעסוקתי | אבחון לימודים פסיכולוגי | התאמה לעבודה

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to common questions

  • Is it possible to make a psychological diagnosis online?

    As in many areas of life that have changed over the past few years due to the technological revolution that we are also experiencing in the field of consulting (including medical advice), we have discovered that it is possible to provide professional and reliable service without meeting but through digital means. The traditional method of diagnosis has not changed in almost the last 40 years, we have carried out a comprehensive study in which we have taken the psychological basis of diagnosis and professional guidance into a questionnaire that can be performed without an appointment.

  • How can a 20-minute diagnosis replace a full day of exams and interviews?

    In the very extensive study we did and included 20,000 consultants, we were able to monitor the relevant areas of employment and studies into a short, targeted and reliable diagnosis. In our research against the traditional and accepted method, we have reached that the results of our digital and focused diagnosis are the same and even better than the diagnosis accepted in the traditional method and includes a series of approaches, interviews and sub-diagnoses that are irrelevant to the world of careers and studies.

  • How does YOUACO avoid biases based on sector and ethnicity?

    In our diagnostic results test you can see for example that at YOUACO we referred about 45% more women to engineering professions than the leading and traditional screening institutes. Our tool was built so that it is not biased from gender and sector and also has psychological validity in other countries. In practice, the tool was already used to refer to studies and to put tens of thousands of tacks, many of which broke glass ceilings that were acceptable in their natural environment.

  • Why did we set up YOUACO?

    Simply put, we have identified a great need among many young people, who are aiming for higher education and lacking the guidance and counseling process essential for successful integration into academia. Studies carried out in Israel and abroad indicate that only about 4% of young people undergo an employment counseling and career counseling process as part of a consulting institute. The Forum for the Prevention of Dropouts from Educational Institutions reports that about 30% (!) of students change classes during the first year of studies.

  • Why do students change classes during the first year?

    Deciding what to learn and what can be done with the degree are complex and difficult decisions. A. Choosing a particular path is also a difficult concession to all the other options that the academic world offers, at least for now. B. Worlds where education and employment are complex and knowledge before integration is quite poor. C. There are quite a few thought biases. Emotional, social and more that make the candidate study and work make the wrong decisions.

  • What 'price' mistake? Of making the wrong occupational decision?

    The cost of a mistake in terms of a candidate being a student in an educational institution is economically and emotionally expensive. And if the debt to the educational institution the parents/scholarships help close, then the feeling of missing out and lost time is already more complex to compensate for. It is important to note that even in terms of the educational institution there is a price since a student who does not continue his studies in the class to which he enrolled leaves the department with a vacancy and as a result the direct and indirect costs of the institution increase

  • How does the YOUACO website contribute to lowering the level of turnover of applicants to be students in an educational institution?

    Our website is a tool for both the candidate for studies and for the educational institution by helping the candidate to study make an objective decision and without as much external influences as possible and allows the counselor at the Educational Institution to recommend a recommendation that has professional validity behind it.

  • Is it possible to make a psychological diagnosis online?

    As in many areas of life that have changed over the past few years due to the technological revolution that we are also experiencing in the field of consulting (including medical advice), we have discovered that it is possible to provide professional and reliable service without meeting but through digital means. The traditional method of diagnosis has not changed in almost the last 40 years, we have carried out a comprehensive study in which we have taken the psychological basis of diagnosis and professional guidance into a questionnaire that can be performed without an appointment.

  • In conclusion, here are 5 reasons why you should perform the YOUACO diagnosis

    As in many areas of life that have changed over the past few years due to the technological revolution that we are also experiencing in the field of consulting (including medical advice), we have discovered that it is possible to provide professional and reliable service without meeting but through digital means. The traditional method of diagnosis has not changed in almost the last 40 years, we have carried out a comprehensive study in which we have taken the psychological basis of diagnosis and professional guidance into a questionnaire that can be performed without an appointment.

    • The diagnosis has a high predictive validity because it is based on both theoretical models that have been attacked in Israel and abroad and on an in-depth familiarity with the world of work and education

    • The YOUACO diagnosis will direct you to the field of studies and employment that suits you and also to the institution of study that meets your requirements

    • In filling out the diagnosis you will receive an established assessment of the set of your cognitive and personal abilities, which will actually also be a reflection of your own preferences

    • Saving time, money, and aggravation.

    • A quality study choice that will meet your requirements and provide you with keys to a successful and productive career path.